My Projects

While I was in Cybersecurity I did a few projects such as building a PC and making ethernet cables. Personally, I liked PC building the most, but the Virtualization project was pretty fun too. I didn't really like the "Making and Ethernet Cable" project since I found it really frustrating, but I got a perfect score so I can't really complain. If you ever decide to study Cybersecurity, be prepared to pull you hair out when making ethernet cables, unless you are naturally gifted at making them.

During Cybersecurity, I had a Full Stack Development course where I created my own personal Text Based Adventure Game, where you use your keyboard to type in the choices you make in the story. I'm proud of the game as it was my biggest coding project at the time, totalling about 952 lines of code (majority of which was text for the story). If you ever attempt it, there are 2 proper endings and like 8+ unique fails/deaths, so good luck. (Oh yea i'm also HTML and CSS Certified)

On a serious note, however, I obtained my Network Specialist award and I have worked in Cybersecurity WorkEd Programs, so I have some hands on knowledge about cybersecurity, even though my main course is Full Stack Development. Speaking of which, i've created an imaginary trading company with my fellow peers and designed a website to demonstrate our understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I've also designed a Clicker Game further supporting my skills as a Full Stack Developer.

My resume is here.

Images of the RGB PC built by yours truly